

Salazar 1
Ashley Salazar
Mr. Gebeshian
Period 6, HNRS English
March 18, 2009

As years passed by, there have been ups and downs with the government. The world’s virus is corruption. It can never be fixed since human nature contributes to corruption. Corruption, an impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle, destroys the aspect of each individual. Many of today’s youth have become cynical toward politicians and CEOs because of all the scandalous news stories they are being exposed with, but it is untrue that as adults they will not participate much in the political process. I believe that any aged person is interested in the world’s news especially through bad economic times. Youths are especially aware of the scandals happening around. If they believe something is wrong or right, they fight for their opinion. Their ears are open toward positive news, so why not adults? Several examples of corruption around the world are human nature and society in the U.S.
To begin with, human nature starts corruption. Humans make poor choices all the time and don’t even realize it. Even if the most well-mannered person is always benevolent, he/she can be selfish, ignorant, or a hypocrite. The result of being selfish, ignorant or a hypocrite is caused by human nature. During December 2008, Rod Blagojevich, the governor of Illinois, made a ridiculous move. He declared to sell President Barack Obama’s senate seat in order to end the Tribune Company editorial campaign for the governor’s impeachment. Later on, he was accused and sent to jail. “I will fight. I will fight. I will fight, until I take my last breath. I have done nothing
Salazar 2
wrong.”(ABC 7 News), says Blagojevich during the press conference. Blagojevich stated that they could not fire him from his job and he would absolutely fight his way of right. Recently, he has...