Collecting Data

Collecting Data

Collecting Data
In the human service field collecting data is a good way to gather information from clients and learn more about them. Information gather from clients is used to help organize services for them. Intake and Assessment form can also be used for collecting data from clients. The helper uses all the data that have been collected from clients to identify the problem, set up an appointment and make sure they are receiving the correct services. My paper will discuss the importance of collecting appropriate data for intake and assessment forms.
The importance of collecting appropriate data for intake and assessment is to make sure there enough information documented to establish services for clients. The assessment process helps to identify and assess an individual’s current situation, issues, and needs as well as to determine the most appropriate and effective means of helping the individual.” (Intake and Assessment, 2006). Collecting data is important in placing clients in the correct delivery services or programs. It is also important that helpers respond to clients requests immediately. An assessment is done on clients during the initial contact with the helper. As soon as the assessment is complete then the helper can establish services for clients to receive assisted. Some clients do not like having face-to-face contact with helpers. There are clients that prefer to call agencies and ask for assisted over the phone. A new referral or inquiry form is use as initial contact with an applicant when calling for the first time (Summers, 2012). Taking an intake from a person on the phone requires two important skills. The first is skillful communication, something you have been working on previously (Summers, 2012). The two important skills needed in taking information over the phone is communication and observation skills. It is important to make sure all forms are complete accurately to ensure the appropriate service for clients.

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