COMM 470 UOP Course Tutorial / shoptutorial

COMM 470 UOP Course Tutorial / shoptutorial

COMM 470 Week 1 DQ 3

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How might the communications needs of a virtual worker differ from those of a more traditional office worker? Based on these needs, how would you structure various types of communications—memo, voice mail message, and so forth—for a virtual worker? Discuss how a manager’s style might need to change if he or she supervises a virtual staff.

COMM 470 Week 1 DQ 2

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As Chapter 2 of Electronic Commerce 2008 indicates, e-commerce changes the role of information in business. Information costs are lower, and more information is available. What are ways this changes the nature of business communication?

COMM 470 Week 1 DQ 1

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Chapter 1 of Electronic Commerce 2008 introduces a number of distinctions between different types of organizations and activities related to the virtual economy—e-commerce versus e-business, for example. How and where are these distinctions useful?

COMM 470 Entire Course

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