

Every person is different in the workplace. Our personalities can range from expressive and ambitious to quiet and content. The workers have a specific way of communication, leadership, and motivation, goal setting when working in specific careers and teams. After completing the Career Planner Tool for the course, it was evident what type of work culture, career path, communication strengths and personal strengths would fit my personality best. Most importantly, the Career Planner Tool was able to set me up for my future career plan.
Career Plan Future
The results that I obtained from the Career Planner Tool showed that I fit into a high power, expert work environment that tends to be on the supportive side. I am a strong, ambitious worker, who loves to create new ideas within the workplace. The Career Planner Tool helped me understand where I am able to thrive and grow in my career path.
By knowing and understanding all aspects of the type of worker I am, I am better able to search and work for my future career path. This course and career tool have helped me better understand where I would thrive and in what conditions. My future career path has always been one that involved a high-powered work environment and fast paced ideas. After viewing the Career Planner Tool, I was able to truly understand how I am able to put what I have always know into action.
The workplace is not just an area in life where we come and go. People can spend anywhere from 40-80 hours a week at work and away from their outside lives. The workplace can also be a great place for personal development. The career planner activity expressed my desired work environment, allowed for me to look into my future career path, and how this course has helped me with my future