

Dr. Lopez
ENG 031001
6 September 2013
(When you communicate with people it’s vital to have certain skills even when you are just writing or talking with someone.)Certain skills when you write or communicate is important. Without(such valuable)skills you will not (comprehend) understand what other people are trying to communicate(to you), and you will not be able to get your (point across)message across well either.(Specific) Skills like skimming and paraphrasing are vital, even when entering the work force. When skimming you can get the(meaning) gist of everything you need to read and you(don’t need to strain) do not over load your mind with information. If you can skim a piece of writing you can understand the message easily without having to read the full thing. So that if you were to read the full piece it would go deeper into detail about the information you were able to absorb by skimming. In a way paraphrasing is similar. Instead of saying word for word what you read, you can put it into your own words to where you can understand it better.(Another method ) You could(do) also(is) put it in a way other people could(better identify) understand it better. Paraphrasing(presents) gives you(with) the opportunity to have information(formulated) be worded in a way you will understand it, and you will not have to(review) reread every detail. Paraphrasing and skimming are skills you will need in everyday life to make communication easier for not only yourself but other people as well.