Compare and Constrast - essay summary

Compare and Constrast - essay summary

Roshan Patel
ES 3
Slide 1
* Today we are going to talk about the effects, the human activities have had of animal species. Humans have expanded throughout the world, our technology advancement has made us the most successful and dominant species on the earth. Our dominance has had many adverse effects on many species through our harmful human activities. We will be also talking about the art relating to the past and the natural history of the endangered species who are nearly close of becoming extinct.Atlast in this lecture we will also learn about the reason for the specie becoming extinct.
Slide 2 : Origin
* We have more than 17,000 species listed as endangered species in the world right now according to US Fish and Wildlife Service. Today we are going to be talking about the one of the most controversial and abused specie listed as endangered species named the Caribou also known as Reindeer.
* The reindeer also known as the caribou in North America, is a species of deer native to Arctic and Subarctic regions. Caribou (or reindeer) is the only member of the deer family adapted to the harsh arctic and subarctic environments of northern North America and Eurasia. Caribou originated from South American deer of Tertiary age and has undergone a long journey in terms of physical, behavioral, and geographical adaptation to its present habitat.
Slide 3 : Characteristics
* Members of the deer family, caribou are distinguished by their large, splayed hooves, broad muzzles, long legs, and distinctive amber-colored antlers. Their color ranges from a deep chocolate brown in summer to a grayish tan during spring, while they simultaneously sport a whitish underbelly, neck, and rump. The Selkirk population of caribou favors old-growth spruce-fir and cedar-hemlock forests. Both male and female have antlers.

Slide 4: Range
* Caribou can be found within the Arctic tundra and also adjacent to the boreal forests of Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia,...

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