Comparison and Contrast Cna

Comparison and Contrast Cna

Long term vs. Short term
When one thinks of pursing a nursing career, he/she may consider trying to obtain a certified nursing technician license first. A certified nursing technician is a person who assists the patients and nurses to complete tasks that need to be done, such as bathing, feeding, walking, dressing changes, and doing the vital signs that need to be recorded. The nursing technicians do just about everything a nurse does except pass out medicines. There are a couple different kinds of nursing technicians, one who would work in a nursing home and one who would work in a hospital. How would one know which is the right position for them? We will compare a few of the differences and similarities in the two positions between long term care and short term hospital care. The patient load and tasks the certified nursing technicians have in the hospital and long term care facilities are different, although, there are similarities in the tasks such as vital signs and bathing.
Nursing technicians in a nursing home hold the greatest role in the facility. They are the eyes and ears of the place. The technicians have the majority of the direct patient care. It is their responsibility to get to know the patients and take the best care of the patients as possible. Some of the tasks at hand may be to give the patients showers, assist the patients with dressing themselves, feeding the patients if the patient is not able to , making sure the diet the patient receives is correct, and the technicians will assist the patients with going to the restroom. The techs are responsible for checking the patient’s skin for any form of breakdown, bruising, or sores they patient may develop. Any of the major issues with the patients the techs are responsible for reporting the nurses. The nursing technician who works in a nursing home, or the proper term: long term care facility, plays an extremely important role. These techs often stay very busy. Technicians will usually...

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