Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution
Team E will develop a summary including multiple ways to handle three situations shown in the Storybooks for this current week’s assignment. Within this summary, Team E will discuss communication styles and barriers and the conflict and negotiation process involved in handling the three situations. For each storybook, Team E will describe the strategy or strategies he or she would apply in these situations.
Story Book 1-

Tywanda Williams-Storybook #2:
As a manager, how would you relay an important negative message with as little impact on your team as possible? Why would you choose this method?
As a manager, relaying messages appropriately is critical to the communication process. Positive or negative, messages must be communicated with confidence and respect toward the recipient of the message. Prior to delivering a message with negative content, it is beneficial for a manager to acknowledge any positive attributes about the organization or recipient. For example, when delivering a negative message to an employee regarding performance, as manager, positive attributes would be discussed about the employee, then the negative information will be conveyed, followed by discussing the methods the employee use for improvement. This student chooses this method because it allows this student as manager, to encourage the employee with positive feedback while reinforcing positive behavior. This method also allows the manager to provide negative information in a positive manner. As a result, the employee is still motivated and encouraged to complete current and upcoming tasks as assigned.
What is the best way to handle gossip before it spreads?
The best method to handle gossip before it spreads is by ensuring accurate information is released in a timely manner. Gossip spreads rapidly because a sense of uncertainty is created. Within an organization, if information is...

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