Conflict Theory Corporate Welfare

Conflict Theory Corporate Welfare


IRELAND Education System - Ireland has compulsory school between six and fifteen years of age
But a great number of the children start in preparatory school are part of the ordinary school must
Schools are private and are run by different religious congregations even though they are mostly
Financed by state money, religious education is voluntary, There a big differences concerning
Level of education between elder and younger. Irish boarding schools come under the category
Of secondary schools and many of them have a strong tradition of enrolling students, from?
Aboard. In addition to the boarding schools many day secondary schools how enroll overseas
Students and some can arrange accommodation for foreign. Ireland are privately owned and
Managed typically run by boards of governors by religious bodies or by individuals they are heavily
Small number, do not charge tuition fees to Irish students.

Australia Education System- Consists of a total of 12 years, primary schools and high schools are
Based on the age of the student, so that every room has the same age group with a student hardly
Having to repeat a year, the students with problems in their studies may be put into special classes
To help with academic deficits. The majority of the children start in the Primary school with the age of
5 yrs old and the child studies in the primary school until they are around 12 yrs old.
Secondary Education in Australia, Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (SSCE).
Compare and Contrast- Difference between Australia and Ireland is quite small
Australia has a minority population of aboriginal people.
Ireland has never forced to deal with such problem. Ireland is a rather unified country
Dealing more or less only with differences in faith that is being Catholic or Protestant
When I compared the number of students in class meeting one teacher. The difference
Australia and Ireland is quite small and it is Similar...

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