Conformity and Obedience

Conformity and Obedience

All conscious – living things have emotions; some common emotions in both humans are happiness, joy, excitement, anger, sadness, and depression. Emotions are an affective state of consciousness that often is the incentive or motivation that pushes an individual towards a behavior that will help improve the overall chance of success or survival. As children grow up, they learn about roles, naturally, without recognition. Children learn that their parents are the authority, thus children look up to authority for guidance and instruction. When children grow into teenagers, and teenagers become adults, who takes the position of authority? People within functioning societies take the positions and roles of authority; an example of this in today’s society are the men and women who take upon these roles in functioning societies are teachers, politicians, firefighters, police officers, and those who serve in the military. In hindsight, who is the authority of those who already participate in the roles of authority? When or where there is no higher authority figure, it can be easy to take advantage of these roles. In today’s society taking advantage of authority is something that happens, in almost all positions; children take advantage of their parents by breaking rules, some people break the law, in Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison detainees were being taken advantage of, mistreatment and abuse was being conducted, due to those taking advantage of authority. The events at the Abu Ghraib Prison are similar to the Stanford prison experiment because both these events provide a clear example how conformity, authority, and obedience can impact a group of people no matter the circumstances.
At what point is the desire to be obedient going too far? From an early age obedience is something people learn, when taught obedience, learning how to disobey is something that also is learned. A common example of this at an early age is if you want to receive an allowance, you must do...

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