

Psychology Sociocultural Level of Analysis Unit Review
General learning outcomes:
1. Outline principles that define the sociocultural level of analysis (for example, the
social and cultural environment influences individual behaviour; we want connectedness with,
and a sense of belonging to, others; we construct our conceptions of the individual and social


Human beings are social animals and we need
Clear statement of one/two principles that defines the SCLOA
Explanation of principle
What is the basic assumption upon which principle
A study or theory may be used to illustrate

2. Explain how principles that define the sociocultural level of analysis may be
demonstrated in research

- Belong - Asch (NSI) or Tajfel metal (minimal group)
- Culture - Berry, Trainsdis, Petrova
- Social Self - Tajfel / Sherif (SIT)
3. Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the
sociocultural level of analysis

- SAQ - two research method
- Lab - Asch (conformity), Ross (quiz show), Tajfel, Gergely et al, Bandura, Reagan preferable
- Field - Sherif, Cialdini
- Natural - (Charlton), Kashima and triandis (modesty bias)
If ERQ asks to explain 2 research methods, experiment is counted as one research method

- Interview - Howarth
- Hostede (survey and questionnaires)
4. Discuss ethics

- Do not do a evaluation but focus on ethical considerations in the experiment
- Ethical consideration could be positive does not have to be negative
- Could talk about but not limited to:

Protection from harm
Right to withdraw

• Informed consent
• Confidentiality
- Discuss:
• Why deception is used
• The difficulties of ensuring confidentiality in social psychology research
• Role of informed consent when studying groups
• Decisions as to why certain ethical guidelines were or not followed
• Changes over time advance to ethical standard / guidelines

Sociocultural Cognition

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