

Growing up I wasn’t the girl who got her first kiss in the third grade. I wasn’t the girl who was popular and goes out on a lot of dates. I wasn’t the girl who went to parties and did drugs or had sex all the time. So I guess that brings you to the question of what type of girl am I? Well I’m the girl who didn’t get kissed until the tenth grade. I’m that girl who wasn’t popular and had a few close friends all throughout high school. I’m the girl who didn’t do drugs, didn’t have sex, and the girl who stays home with her family all the time. So I didn’t get to go out and experiment life or go through what most teenagers my age would have already done. But there is a moment in my life where my whole world seemed to turn upside down, the most confused moment in my life.
After high school is when I really started to get into the social media, I was on it all the time it became a part of me. I started to get more comfortable talking to boys and learned how to flirt without looking stupid. And because of the social media sites I meet my first actual real life boyfriend, Andrew. Everything was amazing at first he was sweet, kind and gentle with me. He took me out all the time and it seemed like we spent every moment of the day together. And I thought he was the one, the one I wanted to marry, the one I wanted to have kids with, and most importantly he was the one I wanted to lose it too. I didn’t care about not going out there to the clubs and meeting new people, I didn’t care about going out anymore period; he had me around his finger. Until one day when all hell broke loose. He stopped texting me all day like he used to, he didn’t call me at night anymore, and he didn’t even come by my house to see me.
“Please come by my house, I need to see you I feel like we are so distance from each other now please come over.” I pleaded and begged over the phone for Andrew to come over, my heart was racing and I was at the verge of tears. “Fine, I’ll be there in...

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