Congitive Disorder

Congitive Disorder

A person who has cognitive disorder may not process information correctly within the brain. People who have cognitive disorder have impaired awareness and judgment, they also have difficulty reasoning and focusing and loss of memory and abnormal mental capacity. People who have cognitive disorder may have problems acquiring, mentally organizing and responding to information which can result inability to function normally in everyday life situations. ( Cached)
According to the American psychiatric association (APA) the cognitive disorder is dividing into four main types. Delirium is when the person is confused about their surrounding and cannot think clearly. Dementia is the condition in which the normal function of the brain progressively deteriorates over time which will result in memory loss and confusion. Amnestic disorder is characterized by normal mental function except for several loss of memory. The other conditions that don’t fit in the other categories are called not otherwise specified (NOS) which is defined as mental impairment due to medical conditions or drug abuse. ( Cached)
According to the text some of the symptoms of the brain disorders impairment of memory the person may have trouble remembering recent events about their memory for past events may remain more intact. The person may also have impairment of orientation she or he may not know where he or she is what day is or who the familiar people are. Impairment of learning, comprehension and judgment the person thinking may become clouded, sluggish or inaccurate, impairment of emotional control or modulation the person maybe emotionally overactive like laughing, crying or flying into rage with little provocation.
Apathy or emotional blunting the person is emotionally underactive and may seems indifferent to people or events. Treatment for delirium is reversible unless the...

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