Consent form for MIS

Consent form for MIS

‘The impact on Women and Girls cycling participation in the United Kingdom following the 2012 Olympic Games’

Women and Girls cycling participation: Research Project

Dear Miss Evans and British Cycling

I am currently studying Sport Business Management at Leeds Beckett University, and as part of one of my assignments, ‘Research for Sport Business and Sport Marketing’, I will be carrying out research to discover the impact on Women’s and Girls cycling participation in the United Kingdom following the London 2012 Olympic Games. By doing so, this will involve an investigation of female participants, from British Cycling and Chester Road cycling club. These Women will have had first-hand experience of being part of ‘The London Olympic legacy effect’, albeit cycling professionally within a local team, or being part of British Cycling, along with personal experiences due to the Women Cycling initiatives, like Breeze which is the biggest programme in the UK to get more women into riding bikes for fun.

I have chosen both British Cycling and Chester Road Club for the reason that there is a range of Women and later teens that are available, including Mothers, Marketing directors at British Cycling for the ‘The Breeze Campaign’ and ‘Go Ride’ campaign ( for the younger generation). By using these both, there is a range of different girls and women, therefore to avoid any biasness, as British Cycling may have totally a different insight to the research question.

By carrying out a focus group with these women, the research findings will contribute to stating the impact of this research project, it will also help British Cycling as an organisation to see if there is any gaps for further improvement and strategies that could be implemented, to continue the development of women cycling. The age group I am interested in researching,...

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