

Location, where it can be viewed, and time of year when it’s best seen.
Hercules is a constellation on which he seems to be kneeling down. Hercules can be seemed the most on the northern latitudes. He is mostly seen on the spring months. Hercules is in the west of Lyra. He is from alpha lyrae moved to the west by eight degrees. Hercules is best seen on the month of July. It is best seen from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
Major stars on Hercules
The constellation of Hercules consist of these type of stars (pi Hercules, eta Hercules zeta Hercules, beta Hercules, alpha Hercules, and epsilon Hercules) they are all the stars that form the constellation of Hercules. They are the ones that make Hercules corners and the shape of Hercules.

When and who identified the constellation?!
Hercules was discovered by the Greeks. The Greeks discovered 48 constellations. The person that discovered Hercules was Ptolemy. He found the constellation on 3,000 BC. That’s a really long time you say, but the truth is that there was many names before Hercules came into being. For example Euphrates, whose it took its name because it wanted to rape Hera, but Hera found out put him in there as a punishment for a warning to any other man that would want to do the same.
How is the constellation identified?
The constellation of Hercules is identified as a Greek hero. He is also known as the man kneeling down. He is identified as the strong man. In the constellation it shows that Hercules is kneeling down very triumphantly wounded after the battle against the ligurians. He is also shown as a man with a club that slayed a dragon called ladon. Ladon was the Greek monster that guarded the garden of Hesperides. He had 100 heads.
Hercules was a baby. Their parents were Zeus and Alcmene. Alcmene was the wisest and most beautiful woman at that time. When Hercules was a baby he drank from Hera’s milk and became immortal. Hera was angered by this so...