Controversy in Cosmetic Surgery

Controversy in Cosmetic Surgery

Elizabeth Rivera
T. Noto
ENG 102 - 046
Controversy in Cosmetic Surgery
As a child, I sustained an injury that left a permanent scar behind. I sustained the injury after slipping and falling face first on the corner of a marble fireplace. It required 11 stitches. The accident had a profound effect on me. I was very lucky that the injury was not worse, however, I am still affected by the presence of this scar. I have done countless amounts of research contemplating potential solutions or treatments for my specific case. If I were to go through any medical procedures, they probably would not be covered by my medical insurance company. This is because any surgery would be considered cosmetic as opposed to necessary. It’s true, because the scar is not necessarily causing me any medical problems. When I thought about the circumstances surrounding my case, I began to wonder about the other reasons people want cosmetic procedures. Where does one draw the line between aesthetic and reconstructive procedures? Most of all, who decides? Is there ever an exception?

 In today's society, it seems like cosmetic surgery, whether for reconstructive or aesthetic purposes, is universally accepted. My first step was to look for articles disclosing information about the phenomenon of cosmetic surgery. I started here because I wanted to understand the point of view of different authoris. Using EBSCO Host, I was able to locate an article that discussed the superficiality of some people who have cosmetic surgery. "Prozac, with Knife," by Joseph Epstein, is an article published in the periodical magazine named Commentary in 2000. This article captured my interest because it discussed the inferiority complex association with plastic surgery. The article is a collection of his observations of different cases of plastic surgeries he witnessed. Discussing potential reasons for plastic surgery, Epstein writes, "Some people wish to escape or elide their...

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