Coping with Stress

Coping with Stress

As a college student I get put in many situations that cause stress and lead to unhealthy behaviors. As mentioned on pg. 544 the college life is one of the stressful stages in a person’s life. We have to deal with test, teachers, parents, just anything that life throws at us in general. We all endure a great amount of stress as all the pressure and the amount of time we have in a day to try and resolve these issues. Personally I think I go through something each week and I look forward to the weekend to relax and get away from all the hassles. Mid-terms and Finals are probably the most stressful test for any student. Teachers constantly tell us that they are very important to our grade and as students we know that all the test we take before the “big one” is preparing us. We are pressured and constantly told to study, study, study or we’ll fail and it will hurt us when we get that grade. For example I could cram for one whole week before mid-terms and while going to class my teacher is repeatedly telling us how important the grade is. In the unfortunate event that I fail will cause a great deal of stress that may lead to an unhealthy Tiffany. For instance I could study for hours days and even weeks, and not get the grade I expected, I’ll then feel discouraged and wonder what would be the point of studying so much if I’m not going to get the grade I anticipated on. Another stressful event would be having a busy schedule. As a student I have classes, work, and homework, all of which I need to set time for. Unfortunately I think there isn’t enough time in a day. I can go to my classes that are back to back without any break in between then maybe an hour before work, by then I’m extremely tired and trying to stay up to do homework. By the end of the week I’ll be hoping for sleep and quiet time. Another stress causing event I dealt with recently would probably getting a fender bender. I was already trying to get ready for work when at a stop sign I get hit by a...

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