

Although the Professor Love claims there is a cause-effect relationship and a positive correlation between college and what is considered great things for society, she is flawed in that she does not take into account that correlation does not prove causation. Additionally, she uses the words “correctly” and “obviously”, implying a flaw of overconfidence in her findings. Professor Love also does not include the fact that college education can lead to a significant amount of debt and creates illusory correlation to justify these findings.

Despite that there is a strong correlation between college and the mentioned benefits to the society, a college education is not proven to be the cause of said benefits. A college education does not directly contribute to taxes, votes, or community service; instead, it more than likely indirectly contributes to these benefits.

Additionally, there are many factors that should be considered that affect Professor Love’s assertions.
Realistically, everyone pays taxes, but some pay higher taxes. College graduates are more likely to pay higher income taxes because their college degree allows them to paid more money. College graduates also make more disposable income that they can spend, leading to more taxes being paid due to spending. They are also more likely to buy a house with the higher income college graduates make, prompting them to pay property taxes as well.
College graduates are more aware and have more invested interest in the political process as they had the educational opportunity to educate themselves on the importance of political issues. Therefore, they are more inclined to vote more frequently than ordinary citizens.
College graduates have more access to clubs and volunteer opportunities in their respective schools. Additionally, employers and graduate schools look for volunteer experience from college graduates, prompting graduates to be more inclined to volunteering more. Volunteering is also a way of...

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