Corruption and Its Victims in Society

Corruption and Its Victims in Society

corruption is a leading source of our victims becoming even more victims in todays scoicety we are here here here to stay and come over to this counrty that is beautiful and free, but are we really free with al the corruption in this counrty , no we are not. As citizens we need to speek up and realize this is our counrty and we need to make a great place to live for our children and keep them safe as well and not be afraid. Money is also an incentive to corrupt people within the justice system, We need to hold people accountabloe for everything if they are breaking the law AND NOT ACCEPT money or allow corrupt people who work in the justice system to do that any longer. yes yes yes yes so we all need to become educated so poverty does not hit our families and does not gives us any choices in life. without choiuces in life we would be nowhere except below the povertyy level of despair. yes uyes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yues yes yes yes yes yes yesye syes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes eyes yese yesyseysedys eyseys edys esy eeu sdkljhsdko isdufsj skdujfpism psidjfsplkiujs siu jisnfj,. bius;skfjlp;sfj sfs. mdifjs fsdif /ls. her eher eher e ehjr ehr ehre rhe rher ehr ehrhehrh her eh ehr e her he rhwehr sdkl fjlskhfijs. bu bub tom oitm erf iwfj sdf;fs. no yes we can we can we can ew can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we acan we a kat

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