Cost of Saint Augustine College Tuititon

Cost of Saint Augustine College Tuititon

  • Submitted By: bowlie3
  • Date Submitted: 03/02/2009 7:28 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 334
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 426

Conventional symbols are symbols that people see in everyday life and most people don’t give much thought to instead it is an automatic response as to what they stand for. For example the golden arches used to represent MacDonald’s or the check that Nike uses on all their products. Even the bathroom door have symbols separating the men and women’s restrooms those are just a few example of conventional symbols in which people see every day and without second thought know the meaning of. Literary symbols are symbols that occur in literature to represent something or show the reader a feelings not openly expressed by the character themselves.
In Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” she uses a number of literary symbols to show Mrs. Mallards newly found freedom. After the untimely death and tragic death of her husband the symbols Chopin uses to represent this newly found is the open window which Mrs. Mallard sits in front of. Chopin also uses spring to symbolize a new beginnings a new life. She has her whole life to live by herself. She will be free to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it.
Art Siegelman “Maus” Humans were represented by animals, which were one of the most obvious uses of symbolism throughout the book. Different animals were used to represent different ethnic groups. For example, Jews were represented by mice, Nazis by cats, and the Polish pigs. In using these animals to portray the humans Siegelman uses conventional symbolism because he uses cat and mice to signify the role of predator and prey on the Holocaust. Some other less obvious uses of conventional symbolism are the masks worn by the mice. Although the masks helped them to blend in better, they weren't guaranteed. Vladek was able to be disguised well by the mask but Anja stood out more. You first notice this when you see Anja's tail showing although she is wearing a mask.

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