Court Visit

Court Visit

Brittany P
AJ 131
Court Visit
The court case I sat in on didn’t have much of a connection to our classroom studies. My court report will have to do more about the criminal processes. My own perception or opinion about the criminal processes that were carried out was positive. Many times you hear on TV, or see in the news about how there is so much injustice in out legal system, whether it is racial profiling, wrongful imprisonment, or not having basic judicial procedures carried out the way they are supposed to be. The prosecutor presented his case by telling the court all the circumstances of the case and the facts of the event. He told the court about the harm that was done to the victim (in this case it was an alleged rape). And the prosecutor also presented records from a local hospital. The defense attorney presented his case by explaining to the judge information about the alleged offender such as employment history, education, and other personal circumstances. The defense attorney also explained why the offender might have committed the offense. The judge played many roles in the case being presented. He had to carry out the law, assess the evidence that was presented, and control how the trial unfolded in his courtroom. The bailiff’s’ main job on the case was to maintain order during the proceedings. He was there to make sure that the public, jury; legal teams and defendants proceed through trials and other court proceedings peacefully and with the required courtroom decorum. The role of the court reporter was to provide official record of all court testimony and activity and, prepare transcripts of court proceedings as directed. There was no testimony from witnesses, experts, or family members. I conclusion, the court case was seemed to have been carried out in a professional manner and followed all criminal processes correctly.

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