

David Daniel Davis 08-21-13
Room 117
Cultural Diversity

Crash-My Perspective

I-Why is the title of the film “Crash” and how does it represent the theme of the movie?
It is a double entendre, there are actual crash scenes in the film itself and it is a metaphor for the colliding of various demographics and their intertwined paths. The amalgamation of the diverse sets of people is representative of a cultural crash. The crash at the beginning and the ending of the film conveys that what goes around comes back around again. There is also a crash at the halfway point during the film where one of the biggest turning points occurs between the prejudiced police officer who sexually molested the Hollywood producer’s wife where they experience reconciliation. There was also a hostile confrontation between the prejudiced police officer’s partner and the husband whose wife was molested. There are many dichotomies contained within this film.
II-Identify two characters and explain how they are victims of racism and at the same time, they are perpetrators of racist behavior.
The classic example of a white woman clutching her purse when she sees a black man is shown by Sandra Bullock’s character; yet she is certain the Chicano who is doing work for her will commit a crime against her later. Also, the Persian man who is upset because he has been misconstrued as being Arab and various racial epithets of all sorts are written on the walls of his store, yet later on he picks up a gun and is about to commit an act of violence that reinforces stereotypes.
III-Which character did you find the most intriguing? Explain why.
I found the prejudiced police officer to be the most intriguing as by the end of the film, he seems to have turned around a whole one hundred eighty degrees. He was able to make amends with the Hollywood producer’s wife and placate their earlier volatile encounter.
IV-What ethical issues were brought out in this film?
How we are all...

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