Critical Thinking and Today's Leaders

Critical Thinking and Today's Leaders



Critical Thinking

In today’s world many businesses look for leaders that use critical thinking in their thinking. Why you ask? To know why you must have a clear understanding of what critical thinking is and how it has been applied in my own experience.

Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action (Scriven & Paul, 1992). So in my own words I would break that down by stating that one who uses critical thinking puts a lot more into planning and evaluating from every direction with facts and research to make an educated decision on how to take action before actually taking action. Many of us use non-critical thinking in our day to day lives, which can be compared to critical thinking but missing certain parts that would make it critical thinking. For example there’s habitual thinking (thinking based on past practices without considering current data); brainstorming (saying whatever comes to mind without evaluation); creative thinking (putting facts, concepts and principles together in new and original ways); prejudicial thinking (gathering evidence to support a particular position without questioning the position itself); or emotive thinking (responding to the emotion of a message rather than the content.) Each of these types of thinking having advantages and disadvantages relative to a particular context. There are situations when each might be more appropriate while the other types would be less appropriate. (Huitt, W, 1998)

In my personal experience where I have used critical thinking was when we were planning on upgrading our servers on our ship. First, the idea came from one of our LAN Technicians after performing some maintenance and discovering that our servers...

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