critical thinking

critical thinking

University of Phoenix Material

Development Matrix
Part I – Developmental Stages
For each developmental domain, physical, cognitive, and social, identify two major changes or challenges associated with the following stages: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

Stage of Development
Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Social Development
Operate a mechanical toy, walk up steps with help
Can mimic and make sounds of letters, comprehends order and processes
Begins to follow directions, begins to share and take turns
This is normally when puberty hits, also when the hands and feet tend to grow before the torso
The brain is still developing, immature and impulsive behavior
A child tends to look at parents for influence; sexual relationships become important during this stage.
Physically mature, wrinkles and graying hair, hearing loss and weight gain
At the height of cognitive abilities although you will learn new things every day, becomes more focused and elderly people tend to make the most of their cognitive abilities.
Only a majority experience midlife crisis, sibling bonds strengthen, while friendships are fewer and more deeply value.

Part II – Developmental Gaps

Respond to the following in at least 150 words:

Demonstrate the interdependence of all the areas of development (physical, cognitive, and social) by imagining a persons’ behavior with one area missing. Create a scenario with an area of development lacking and describe the possible results. You may focus on a specific age or imagine how a later age would be affected by the lack of an area during an earlier age (e.g., how a lack of cognitive development during infancy would affect the behavior of an adult).
Revised from Learn Psychology, p. 494

A child that learns to read at a young age will most likely be more successful at school work; children that are not taught at home first and are just played with and treated like a baby...

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