Cross Cultural Evangelism

Cross Cultural Evangelism

Cross Cultural Evangelism Strategies

I believe in Cross Cultural Evangelism, because as Christians God desires for us to go after the lost, and He did not just say in our neighborhoods only, but go to the nations. We must search the highways, the hedges, and under bridges for the lost. Matthew 28:19-20 helps us to understand the heart of God when it comes to Cross Cultural Evangelism.

The first command He gave us is to go. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Mission Statement Of World Methodist Evangelism, is the heartbeat of Matthew 28:19-20, and they get right to the point. “That the world may know Jesus Christ.” This statement covers everywhere, the nations, and all people groups. We must teach them to observe all that Jesus commanded of us to do.

One of the best methods that I was introduced to at Liberty University is the method of effective evangelism. It is all about building relationships. First you must win them to yourself. If lost people don’t like you, they will not be interested in what you have to say about Jesus. Second win them to your Church, or Mission group. Usually on a mission field there is no Church, but there is a gathering of people praying in the name of Jesus.

Winning a lost person to your self opens the door to evangelism, because they can see the love of Christ in you, and trust is established. Third win them to Christ; right there on the mission field the Holy Spirit shows up to began the work in the individual. The seed has been planted; now show them how to build their faith in Christ, and give their life to Him.


Dave Early and David Wheeler, (2010) Evangelism Is: How to Share Jesus with Passion and Confidence, B&H Academic Publishing Group, Nashville

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