Crucible Letter: Elizabeth

Crucible Letter: Elizabeth

Crucible Letter as Elizabeth

Dear John,

I shall l always know deep down in my heart that you are a great man. Although you are not the most righteous, you are also a great father. I feel as though you shall not lie and confess about performing witchcraft for the sake of your reputation. I know a lot of good can come from you confessing to witchcraft. You can spend more time with your kids, myself, and even meet our unborn child. We could spend the rest of our lives together, and you could make up for all the mistakes you have made and try not to make any more. This all sounds good but, I don’t think you want the whole world looking down upon you including your children. If you choose to confess your name will be posted on the wall of the church for everyone to see forever. So even when you’re gone no one will have good memories of you. They will all remember you as the man who confessed to being guilty of witchcraft; even though we both know you are not guilty. It saddens me to think about what people will say about you if you choose to confess because I know what type of man you are.
John, I know all the wrong you have done including what you have done with Abigail. It is no secret anymore and everyone knows what you have done. I want to let you know I have forgiven you John. For the sake of our children I have put aside my feelings to keep our family strong. Just because I have forgiven you and moved on doesn’t mean everyone else has or will ever. You already have the label of an adulterer for the rest of your life, and if you lie they will add witch to it also. You will have to live through everything everyone has to say about you over and over and it will drive both of us mad.
Along with having everyone else believe you are a bad man, I really don’t want our sons to believe the same. We have taught them to live a certain life according to certain morals, and if they see their father is going against everything he taught them their thoughts of...

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