Custom and Courteseys

Custom and Courteseys

QUESTION 1: The American Heritage Dictionary defines “courtesy” as “polite behavior; gracious manner or manners; a polite gesture or remark.” What is military courtesy? a. Courteous behavior towards those of higher grade/rank, as well as to those below your grade/rank. b. Extending of respect to seniors at all times, as well as the National Anthem and National Colors. c. Proper conduct, discipline, and compliance of regulatory guidance. d. Proper order and discipline extended to personnel of lesser or higher rank. QUESTION 2: Why is military courtesy vital to the armed forces? a. To maintain military discipline. b. To maintain prompt execution of orders. c. To maintain respect for the flag. d. To maintain separation of the ranks. QUESTION 3: True or False: The “union” is the honor point on the U.S. flag and is always to the top and to the flag’s own right (the left of the observer) when displayed. a. True b. False QUESTION 4: What does the flag of the United States represent? a. “All battles which involved U.S. soldiers.” b. “Freedom, Independence, and Democracy.” c. “The history of the United States.” d. “The living country and is considered a living thing.” QUESTION 5: What is the one traditionally permissible departure from the rules for display of the flag of the United States? a. You may use it to drape the front of a platform where the President of the United States or a member of the U.S. Congress or Senate will speak. b. You may festoon it over a doorway or arch to a Chapel/Church for a funeral for an active duty military member. c. In a dire emergency, you may display the flag upside down as a distress signal. d. You may fashion it into a rosette for use on a military (active or retired member) casket for the funeral procession only. QUESTION 6: What must soldiers outdoors, in uniform, and NOT in formation do when they hear the National Anthem? a. Come to the position of at ease. b. Come to the position of parade rest....

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