

It Doesn’t Have to Leave a Scar
Coping with problems; problems are hard to deal with in its self but the real question is how people cope with them. Some people cope with them by sitting on the couch with a half gallon of ice cream curled up in a blanket watching The Vow or simply just sobbing with their girlfriends on a Friday night. But sometimes the problems are too big and their outcomes are even bigger and more difficult to deal with.
Kids now-a-days are getting bullied more than ever at school, home, and so on. But what if that bully is no one on the outside, but themselves? What if to society that person is “normal” and seems to have the perfect “American Dream” type of life but is dying on the inside because of their own being? People’s coping mechanisms are not always as simple as eating ice cream or talking it out with friends. Sometimes people go to the extreme lengths to try to deal with their everyday lives. Drugs and alcohol are the most common among people, but it’s not the only thing. There are a plethora of unhealthy coping skills for example, self harm (cutting.) This is a very damaging, corruptive, self-destructive and can be a lifelong issue. And more people are suffering from this awful habit than some might like to admit.
The recent statistic shows that highest number of self harmers is in girls between ages of 15 and 19. Boys can and do self harm as well, but they are more prone to self injury, which may constant of hitting the body. This in fact is different that self harm. Self harm constant mainly of cutting one’s self. People that do self harm usually have experience some type of traumatic or underline stress in their lives. Self harming gives them a way of dealing with overwhelming feelings they may have. Although, it’s not really dealing with their problems to the outside world, but to them, cutting gives them this optical illusion that it’s helping.
Or maybe you’re on the end of the spectrum and are dealing with cutting...

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