

  • Submitted By: Factorx
  • Date Submitted: 12/13/2013 6:55 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 699
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 45

A horrific virus that spread throughout the universe causing ecological catastrophes that could take the lives of almost the whole human population. Discovered in the life-eating disease called Kyrptonic Syndrome, Cyclopica Stimulus- abbreviated CS for short- is a nanovirus that is on the verge of wiping out all the life on the earth.
The discovery took place in a laboratory in London, England around 2052. A well-known scientist, William Glasslow, was conducting an experiment involving the analysis of samples of blood from people who just died from Kyrptonic Syndrome. As he peered through his microscopic machine magnifier (MMM), he came across a figure that was never seen in the past. It was a type of bacterium, but what was it? He placed it with harmless bacteria in a solution to test how pathogenic it was. Instantly, the surrounding microbes were killed. Astonished, William made a generalization that the cause of the numerous deaths of many people with Kryptonic Syndrome was this nanovirus. Later, William established a name for this virus: Cyclopica Stimulus, and he pondered on a way to destroy this virus but never came up with a method.
The next morning, the virus had multiplied into twenty or more cells, and according to William, they had reproduced abiogenetically (on its own). William was in struggle with which issue was more important: experimenting on them for beneficial properties, or simply coming up with a method to eradicate them. William, selfishly, considered completing one last experiment to test their useful assets. In preparation, he decontaminated the virus cells by placing them in a H2O solution.
After a few hours, William had discovered that the cells had decreased in quantity; as he observed the solution, he found nothing. Then William contemplated for awhile, and he finally understood what had happened. He believed that the virus cells increased in number in the water solution, and using oxygen molecules as transport, the cells left...