Dancing for Him

Dancing for Him

  • Submitted By: gabilin
  • Date Submitted: 10/06/2008 7:09 AM
  • Category: Religion
  • Words: 927
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 1315

Dancing for Him
It was Sunday morning and I was in the church restroom stretching. Some may ask, “why stretch at church,” well, because I am a dancer, no an artist. My body is the brush, movement is the paint, space is the canvas, and He, Christ alone, is my inspiration. With God as my inspiration there is no better way to worship him than by dancing in church.
Youth Sunday is always fun at Valleyview Chapel, we kids are in charge of everything. We control the music, skits, and sermon. My youth pastor asked me to do a “human video” in our service. I was hesitant to say the least. Dancing in church? Where do you draw the line at worship? When I finally agreed to dance for the following week, the real task began. Our church is not a totally traditional church, but we have a few patrons that are kind of like sticks in the mud. Dancing isn’t looked down upon in our church, but it isn’t exactly considered an everyday thing. But for me, dancing is an every moment thing. With every breath God has given me, I worship through movement. All of us knew that having a teenage girl on stage, dancing of all things, could bring up some complaints, but we also knew that someone would be touched by it. So this was when the prayers began. For everyday that week I prayed. Asking God to soften the hearts of those who would initially see the negative side of “dancing.” I asked Him to open their hearts to the beauty and talent that I would be showcasing. God had given me the talent, and I was not going to let people stand in my way.
I haven’t been dancing my entire life, but the past five years I have been dancing, I have found my release. To me, dancing is so much more than entertainment. It is a form of exercise, a hobby, my passion, and a way for me to worship. The challenge though, is not offending people. I have danced every style form ballet to hip-hop but my favorite style is without a doubt is modern. I love feeling the music and letting the words...

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