

I didn't want
To become what I am.
I never wanted
To live forever.
But this way of life
Is no real life.
It's only existing.
And I'm too weak...
Too weak to stop existing...
I was young.
I was full of dreams,
Of hopes...
And then there was
I fell...
Into a dark whole...
Complete silence...
No one around...
No feeling left...
But sadness.
I long for my past...
So much time ago...
I long for the sun...
Maybe, one day...
I have the strength to see it again!
The last thing I see
Before I stop existing!
Thy corpse shall rise from its tomb be rent:
Then ghastly haunt thy native place,
And suck the blood of all thy race;
There from thy daughter, sister, wife,
At midnight drain the stream of life;
Yet loathe the banquet which perforce
Must feed thy livid, living corpse:
Thy victims here they yet expire
Shall know the demon for their sire,
As cursing thee, thou cursing them,
Thy flowers are withered on the stem

The world is nothing
It is a void that can never be filled
You are nothing more than maggots
To be decimated by The Lord of Darkness
Who is this great power you ask
Who can be so arrogant as to believe
Himself the almighty creator
That man stands before you
I have always existed
I shall always exist
I created the void which in you inhabit
With your vile putridness
But it is you who feeds it
With your indifference, hatred, competition
All things which I adore and embrace like a lover
I envelope myself in the Darkness
The gothic sun my beacon
To gather my minions
You cannot defy your fate
For I fill your lives with the filth that greatens the void
Bow down to the evil within you
For I am that I evil
I control you
I have always controlled you
I shall always control you
Civilizations have to tried to banish me
Subvert my power
Safeguard their hearts and souls
From my watchful eye
But I always return tenfold
But I take no lover
I have never loved for I have never been loved

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