Day of Baby Sister's Birth

Day of Baby Sister's Birth

"Its a girl!" receiving a call from my father. Wait, let's start on the day my sister was born. Thinking that it was another typical day, so I just started to doing things I normally do on a Wednesday. Woke up, got ready for school, ate breakfast and off to school. So the entire school day went by like any other day. Getting home, I decided to clean the house for my mom, who at this point was at the hospital. Cleaning the kitchen, the living room, etc. I'm thinking in my mind, "how does my mom deal with this every day?" But I'm doing this so she can be happy when she gets home, coming home to a nice clean house like she excepts, which isn't much. While I was doing homework, I'm getting text messages and calls saying its a girl. Then after 5 minutes of reading and listening to messages, my dad calls me saying, " Its a girl! You have a new baby sister!" Jumping up and down of excitement, I called my uncle telling him, "Hey, can you give a ride to the hospital?" He replies, "Why? What happened?" Him thinking that I was hurt. I exclaimed, "My mom had the baby at 3:30 and I want to go see her." My uncle now excited telling my aunt, hearing screams in the background, he says, "Alright, I'm on my way, get ready." I replied, "I'm ready. I got home, cleaned the house and than started my homework. While I was doing my homework, I kept receiving messages saying that its a girl. Until my dad calls and explains the messages." 10 minutes later, my uncle arrived. I'm waiting in the drive way. I just jump in the car and off we were to the hospital. On the way there, my uncle was asking, "How does it feel to be a big brother again?" (I have three sisters now.) I replied, "I don't know but I feel that with this one I'm going to be really close with." Upon arriving to the hospital, I called my dad asking, "What floor and room are you guys in?" He exclaimed, "We're on floor 5 room 210. Where are you?" I said, "I'm in front of the hospital." He yelled, "What? Who's giving you a...

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