

s to the impoverishing [of] their neighbors... live in the practice of that crying sin of oppression, but avoid it.

Document F

Source: Captain John Smith. History of Virginia, 1624
When the [large ship] departed, - . those of us that had money, spare clothes, credit to give bills of payment, gold rings, fur, or any such commodities, were ever welcome to [purchase supplies. The rest of us patiently obeyed our] vile commanders and [bought] our provisions at fifteen times the value .... yet did not repine but fasted, lest we should incur the censure of [being] factious and seditious persons .... Our ordinary [food] was but meal and water so that this ... little relieved our wants, whereby with the extremity of the bitter cold frost ... more than half of us died.
The worst [among us were the gold seekers who] with their golden promises made all men their slaves in hope of recompenses. There was no talk ... but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold .... Smith, perceiving [we lived] from hand to mouth, caused the pinnace [small ship] to be provided with things fitting to get provision for the year following.
[Two councillors] Wingfield and Kendall,. . . strengthened themselves with the sailors and other confederates [and planned to go] aboard the pinnace to alter her course and to go for England.
Smith had the plot discovered to him. Much trouble he had to prevent it, till with store of saker and musket shot he forced them to stay or sink in the river; which action cost the life of Captain Kendall.
These brawls are so disgustful, as some will say, they were better forgotten.

Document G

Source: Governor Berkeley and His Council on Their Inability to Defend Virginia Against a Dutch Attack, December 1673

We thought it our duty ... to set forth in this our Declaration, the true state and condition of this country in general and our particular ... disabilit[y] to ... [engage in] war at the time of this invasion [by the Dutch] .... [We] therefore...

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