Deaf Event

Deaf Event

For my Deaf Event Write Up, I attended my church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Sunday church service. Our current study is in 2nd Corinthians 8:1-9.
The title of this message is called "Given whats been given: developing and maintaining your new life in Christ." The pastor emplifies that giving is
an act of grace, sacrafice, fellowship, dedication, and maturity.

Facial Expressions: In my personal view, the whole sermon, the lady had more of a straight face, but when the worship begun I found her signing the
lyrics, lenghthing words with grace. Her eyes were in awe of the music. Opening her mouth to the words but not saying them

Getting Other's Attention: Before the sermon started, the interpreter waved her hand in my peripheral vision to tell me that the sermon is about
to start.

Commands Involving Location and Real World Orientation: The interpreter signed the upcoming events. Jr high Winter Camp, sign up in the Jr High
Room #226. She then pointed in the direction to where it was.

Ordinal Numbers: The interpreter signed the current verse "2nd Corinthians 8:1-9".

Lengths of Time: Since August of 1990 to today, (24 years), we've had no sermons on tithing or giving or a building fund or some finacial campaign.

Yes/No Questions: Pastor asked, has anyone ever seen a projected thermometer on whats been given to the church, yes or no? Everyone replied with no.

WH-word Questions: Why is "giving" such a touchy issue among us humans? I mine as well give the answer. As people, its something that provides for us, either real or imagined – security,
comfort, power, freedom. In short, we love money and we love to think that money can do for us what a god can do. The more money we have the less we
need God. In fact our money becomes our god if we depend on it, which is very sad.

Cardinal Numbers: The interpreter signed the scripture verse "Luke 16:13" which says, “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate
the one and love...

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