Death and Dying

Death and Dying


Were you aware that there are only four places in the world where assisted suicide
Is legalized; Oregon, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands. In this paper i have
Decided to talk about the topics on assisted suicide that most interest me; the arguments
For or against assisted suicide, whether or not it is ever justified, requirements on the right to die and whether or not it should remain legalized. In my own opinion i think that suicide assisted or none assisted in any form causes the people around you to suffer more than if you had just died naturally.
Are you for or against assisted suicide? A number of arguments are offered in favour of and against legalizing assisted suicide in Canada. One of the biggest arguments for legalization in Canada is that everyone should be able to die a good death. (Shana Alexander) wrote “I want a good death; i think I’m entitled to a good death and that we all are. A good death to me seems to be a human entitlement just as much as a good life is. But a good death may be harder and harder for us to get. So i guess i am talking about euthanasia because that’s what euthanasia is, a mixture of Thanatos “death” and eu, which is “good.” (pg.529). I think that in legalizing assisted suicide it may cause efforts to drop in forming better palliative care and pain control. If people just thought there was that easy way out wouldn’t they always take it? This worry is suggested in most arguments against legalization as once competent people were allowed to make the decision to die with help how do they withhold the same action from the incompetent people. Many people think that legalizing suicide would end hurt and heartache but in some cases it more than likely will just cause new burdens and new problems will arise. There are also religious arguments against assisted suicide; the Roman Catholic Church opposes rational suicide saying it is an illusion people are always in control of their lives and what...

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