

There are all sorts of decorations that get put all over the house and garden and any other place you can think of. Some of them have actual value, some of them only have sentimental value, but some of them are just old relics that have endured time as cheap decorations that do a great deal to improve the home and any place you plan to put them. This essays will convey a lot of my knowledge on the subject of decorations.
As I said in the previous paragraph, there are many different kinds of decorations. In this paragraph I am going to describe the kind that you get for a great price to show off to all the rich, stuck-up people who you are acquainted with. These decorations serve some decorative potential which is totally crushed by their value and end up being locked away where they can’t be broken or hurt. These are a horrible kind of decoration, and are made only to let some people think that they are better than the rest of humankind, since they can afford items that are more expensive than the rest of the people in the world.
The second kind is I think the best kind. It also is the complete opposite of the one before-hand mentioned. This is the kind of decoration that you get from close friends or relatives. Sometimes they are family memories and things that remind you of the past. They are unselfish decorations, that even if they are not pretty or expensive, they still are put all around to decorate their surroundings.
The last types are the ones that you can get from almost every store and are usually really cheap. They are the kind that have decorated houses for years and still look good for those houses today and for years to come. I hope you have learned a lot from my small essay about decorations and the people who use them.

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