Dependant Personality Disorder

Dependant Personality Disorder

Claudia Brooks with DPD and phobias
After recently visiting Claudia she told us that Bryan had decided to enlist into the marines. Even though Claudia told us that Bryan said he would be coming back to her within a few months,Claudia told us that she is seeing someone on the side. Later that night, us friends went out bowling and Claudia decided to bring her “friend” along. After meeting and getting to know her new friend, we know what Claudia would never go for a guy like him. We knew something was going on between them by how Claudia would treat him and how he would react to her actions. I then confronted Claudia as to why she would do something like that to Bryan, being that he is a very close friend of mine. She replied that she was afraid that she can’t take care of herself and needed company. I then told our friends about her explanation and we later went on the internet toresearch her strange behaviors since high school. It was then that wehad figured out she had a dependant personality disorder.
During our last visit to Claudia’s, we had also noticed that she wasn’t swimming like she normally would with us. We also found it a bit strange that she was wearing a life preservervest. When confronted her as a group she wouldn’t budge to tell us from our nagging questions about it. After having dinner in her apartment,I managed to have a personal one on one conversation with her. I asked her why she was wearing the vest. She then replied that she was afraid of water. I had asked her what caused this immense fear and she said that she had witnessed her own cousin that had drowned to death a year and a half ago. After giving my condolences about her cousins’death, I then recommended her to get help from someone that can overcome her fear by desensitization. She then asked what that was. I told Claudia that it’s a method similar to the one we used to help her overcome her fear of heights, which worked successfully.
I know that Claudia may suffer from a...

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