Designing a Pay Structure

Designing a Pay Structure

Designing a Pay Structure – Benefits Manager Job Description
Within organizational structures appropriate compensation is administered through various methods and procedures. In order to effectively evaluate a specific positions value a detailed job description is required. The process of determining the specific job description provides the guidance on where the position fits within the organizational structure hierarchy. To framework of the job description that correlates with the organizations internal functions can be accomplished with a job-based approach which includes a comprehensive job analysis. Gerhart, Milkovich and Newman (2011) “The systematic process of collecting information that identifies similarities and differences in the work” (p.97). The job analysis should compare and contrast tasking of the internal positions and the alignment of the positions within the organizational structure. The job analysis information to include identifying the job family, job content and associated tasking will provide guidance to establish the job description.
The methodology to effectively complete a job analysis is complex and dynamic. The criterion in which the analysis is performed includes elements such as: level of responsibility, typical duties, degree of decision making, supervision received or exercised and minimum entrance qualifications (Berger & Rock, 1991). The information garnered from the job analysis provides the required guidance to establish an appropriate job description. The information garnered from a job analysis can be put into multiple categories (position purpose, duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skills and abilities and education). The complexity of authoring a valid job description by a job analysis can prove to extensive and hard work but provide valuable information to the employee and the employer. “Work hard and become a leader; be lazy and never succeed” (Proverbs 12:24). The following is an example of a job description...

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