Determining Levels of Prevention

Determining Levels of Prevention

Scenario 1 level Tertiary Prevention
I believe this situation was handled very effectively. While the wife was frightened of what her husband would do to her, she was safe from any harm he could do to her. The woman was then sent to shelter that would not only help build her confidence, but that would help her with job training and placement, and assisting her with benefits and housing. The only thing in this situation is to help the husband as well. In this case I would send the husband to an anger management program, to help him control his rage towards others.
Scenario 2 level Primary Prevention
I believe this situation could have been handed differently, with their main priority being to prevent teen pregnancy. While having public health offices offer limited family planning is better than none at all, I believe that they could have found some way to either do a fund raiser or donations to keep the Planned Parenting Clinic open. This way more girls could be taken care of, and they wouldn't be limited to the information they received.
Scenario 3 Prevention level Secondary Prevention.
I believe this situation was handled very effectively. There are two types of prevention's going on in this scenario. One, they are preventing the homeless from going hungry, and two they are providing them with the care they need so that they don’t get to sick. I believe it was also handled well because they provided the facilities with the means to take care of the homeless people.

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