Development in Society

Development in Society

Most of the time, in any aspect or situation, we make changes for the better, hoping to improve our daily lives, our environment and the world around us for the greater good. But with any change or progression there will be risks involved. It is unreasonable to expect that we can change our world without having to sacrifice a little bit of what we are holding on to. In order to progress and move forward we need to decide what we are prepared to give up and if the payoff is worth loosing what we have always known.
The most notable aspects of change within any country in the developmental phase can be seen in the social and cultural shifts of that country. Our heritage and all the traditions that make us unique are so strongly affected with modernization. In the process of development and the great need that we have to be able to keep up with the rest of the world we risk losing our uniqueness. These changes are almost always brought on by the youth of a society as the older member hold firm to their ways. The elder generations prefer that which they know and are comfortable with. “On the one hand, modern ideas, technology and concepts can only benefit us as a society, but the more we are caught up in the newness of it all we start to lose our identity not only as individuals but as a society as a whole. Unexpectedly, ten years later the sociocultural and sociopolitical scene was vastly different with new social movements, predominantly those of university-age youth, challenging institutional authority of every sort, with the counterculture, the drug culture, sexual revolution mixed in with a militant civil rights movement, and "revolution" becoming part of the daily discourse.” (Rethingking Modernization pg7) With new ideas, new beliefs will follow, not to say that this a bad thing but for traditions and culture to become exitinct is a loss to that society. Any society that develops and becomes part of the modern world has to make room in its “new” world for its...

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