development of india

development of india

Development of india

1. India has proven to be a country assuming global importance historically due to reasons of development and prosperity. It was the 'Golden Bird' of yesteryears and was envied by other nations with an intention to dominate and control the vast resources she commanded. In recent times India has proven its global significance again through sound economic development with potential of further strengthening in the years to come. The development of India and its neighbour, China as rising major economic powers, has changed the socio political structure of the South Asian region and has attracted global attention. The region is important to the developed countries due to the existence of a massive expanding market, as well as presence of vast natural resources. However, the region is also infested with instability and mistrust between neighbouring nations which either always existed, or, was put in place by the developed countries with an intention of creating rivalry leading to imbalance and, thereby, exploiting the region in the name of peace initiatives aided by them.

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2. India is going through a series of remarkable transformations. Economically, its growth rate has accelerated. These transformations began in late 1980's, when economic growth started to accelerate India's changing geopolitical role. India today is increasingly integrated with the world economy, especially compared to its own previous record. Its foreign policy is built on the pursuit of security and preponderance of power in its broader neighbourhood, and of substantial influence in global governance. India's policy makers, fundamentally pragmatic, recognise that India's continued economic growth is the essential foundation for accomplishing these goals. Energy supply will be critical to achieving a satisfactory level of growth....

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