Before a user can begin to upgrade or install a system they must first go through a number of procurers first. The user will need to have access to the requirements that are need whether they be hardware or software.
System requirements
The user must take in so many different system requirements to take into consideration when they go to install and upgrade software. This is because we need the system to accept the software as well as performing the install/upgrade itself.
There are a lot of problems when it comes to installing and upgrading software because the hardware of the user may not be good enough therefore they software will run slowly or not even run at all. So it is important for the user to make sure that they know the system requirements for the software and that their computer meets the requirements before they begin installing or upgrading the software.
The following hardware and software need to be considered:
Hard drive – The user needs to make sure that the hard drive has enough memory to store any data that is needed for the software.
Operating system – Every program is made for a number of different operating systems so it is important when getting a new piece of software that the user checks that he/she is getting the software for their operating system and not one for another which will not work.
RAM – The user needs to think about the RAM because if there is not enough memory the software will not run as smoothly and will lag a lot.
Graphics card – Some programs will need a graphics card of some sort to be able to run it. So if the software does need a graphics card to run then the user make sure that it can render images or allow the programs a good frames per second rate.
Every piece of software will have its minimum requirements like how much RAM is needed, hard drive space that is required and many others. All of them are needed for a program to be installed but this doesn’t not mean that the program will run smoothly...