Bismarck vs Cavour

Bismarck vs Cavour

Germany and Italy had to face many problems in order to establish their respective unification. One of Prussia's main concern was the fear of nearby nations such as Austria and France. These nations believed a strong united nation would affect their power of influence.

As for Italy, the main concern was the Vienna peacemakers who wished for a divided Italy under the control of Austria. Both of these countries had strong influential supporters for the unification of their country. The two major supporters were, Bismarck in Germany and Cavour in Italy. These kinds of people will influence the future of the "nation".

Otto Von Bismarck played a major role during the German unification. Otto Von Bismarck was the German "Chancellor"(Prime minister) under the rule of William I. Bismarck was very pessimistic and opportunistic. He had many goals in which he desired to accomplish. He wanted the supremacy for his country; and was obstinate with the idea of having Germany dominate Europe and therefore wanted Austria to be excluded because of its increasing power.

It was in 1850 that Bismarck wanted to restore imperial "dignity and power" to the King of Prussia, in which he felt as being his duty. Bismarck always intended to fight Austria, and unite German Princes under the leadership of Prussia; he used the opportunity to declare war with Austria. Bismarck fought 3 struggles, and looked to use the German's people unitary aspirations. He had the desire to gain respect for the Prussian army and consolidate Prussia's strength. Bismarck tried to use diplomacy instead of war if possible. He was for the German monarchy, and he detested liberalists. The only important matter for him was the greatness of Prussia. Another of his ideas was creating a Prussian empire based on the support of the Princes and not on the assent of mass. Bismarck was not open to economic issues, and feared a strong coalition or prolonged wars, which would have...

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