Differences of Mothers and Daughters in Cultures Perspective

Differences of Mothers and Daughters in Cultures Perspective

Joy Luck Club Literary Analysis In The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan shows that the four daughters are American versions of their mothers. The daughters make the same mistakes in their lives that the mothers did. The mothers leave someone in their family behind and the daughters each get divorced. The mothers want to be like everyone from China and the daughters want to be like everyone from America. The daughters all make the same mistakes that the mothers did at some point in their life. The mothers raise their daughters so they won’t have similar problems when they grow up. An-mei “taught [her]daughter the opposite, [but] she still came out the same way!” (Tan 215). The mothers tell their daughters these lessons in different ways. Suyuan teaches Jing-mei her life is important through a green jade that other Chinese mothers gave their children. Her mother was “telling [her she is] still worth something,” (Tan 198). The mothers and daughters leave people in different ways based on their native cultures. The mothers left their families behind when they went to America. Suyuan was the best example of this because she left her babies in China. The babies were left on the side of the road with “their red thumbs popped out of their mouths, screaming to be reclaimed,” (Tan 38). Instead of leaving her family when going to America, An-mei left her family when she went to live with her mother. The daughter got divorced instead of leaving someone behind. In China someone can’t get a divorce because a Chinese marriage candle “[is] a marriage bond that is worth more than a Catholic promise not to divorce. It [means a person can’t] divorce and [can’t] ever remarry,” (Tan 59). In America there is no marriage candle this strong, so the daughters can get divorced while the mothers could not. The daughters getting divorced is the American way of leaving family like the mothers did in China. The mothers and daughters all want to be from the country that they were born in. The...

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