Direct Quotes

Direct Quotes

Examples of Direct Quotes
My two-year-old is getting interested in potty training. I need some help finding good books to read to him on the topic. I'd prefer ones that leave out "big boy" comments and reward systems.
Baker, Emma. "Toilet time." Mothering Jan.-Feb. 2008: 26. General OneFile. Web. 10 Feb. 2010.
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On October 2 2009 I went into hospital to have an operation on my kneecap but it was found that my knee was badly affected with arthritis so the surgeon took the decision to give me a total knee replacement instead.
LETTER: I won't be wasting any more money on taking out cover." Mortgage Strategy (2010): 16. General OneFile. Web. 10 Feb. 2010.
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I have been on a diet for as long as I can remember, at least since I was five years old. My mother put me on a diet then because she said I was getting too fat. I imagine because she was obese, she wanted to make sure I wouldn't be. But looking back at childhood pictures, I was never really fat as a child. When I was about five years old, you might say I still had some baby fat, but you would never describe me as being fat.
Levine, Michelle Joy. "Why People Overeat." Contemporary Issues Companion: Eating Disorders. Ed. Myra H. Immell. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 10 Feb. 2010.
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APA- American Psychological Association
MLA-Modern Language Association

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