disabling discourse

disabling discourse

Student ID: 14032570
Word Count: 2490

What are the linguistic indicators of disabling discourse? Define each indicator; then exemplify, and apply it, using any oral or written text(s) of your choice.

1‘A disabled person is a person with impairment who experiences some form of disability.’ The person is seen as disabled if he or she has a physical or mental ailment that might result in them not being able to lead ‘normal’ lives according to the standards of the society they live under. The way society has been developed or ‘organised’ in a particular way allows them to class people who are unable to follow their social construct as something ‘other’ than their brand of ‘normal’. Some of the ‘barriers’ created by society against people with disability include ‘segregated social provision’ and ‘cultural representation’. The idea that they needed to be kept away or be separated for ‘special treatment’ from ‘normal people’ needs to be deconstructed and taken down. In addition to that how they are represented in the media and popular culture as weak and co-dependent for every aspect of their results in them being viewed as sub-human and somehow less than whole. These ‘social norms’ can cripple a ‘disabled’ person’s confidence and can undermine their judgement enough to make them question themselves of their capability to look after themselves.
For society to break this pattern and be less discriminating in their interaction between the ‘normals’ and people with disability they need to establish appropriate interactive techniques. Language is one of the key factors that need to be scrutinized in order to recognize how it affects a disabled people’s standing in society. There is two ways language needs to be looked at and that involves how it 2‘oppresses or empowers disabled people’ and how the ‘language structures reality.’ There are certain indicators within the language used to interact with disabled people that shows how particular phrases or use of...

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