

Diversity Organizations Worksheet

|Site |Thoughts/Notes |
|www.wic.org/misc/history |Women inferior,married women had to give everything to their husband. |
|wlh.law.stanford.edu/wp.content |Women fighting for rights since 1619. Right to control her own body. |
|www.idsnews.com |Women portrayed as weak, vulnerable, and inferior. Men portrayed as worker, provider, strong |
| |and rough. |

The serious studies of women written by amateur women scholars were ignored by the male-dominated history profession until the 1960s, when the first breakthroughs came. The field of women's history exploded dramatically after 1970, along with the growth of the new social history and the acceptance of women into graduate programs in history departments. An important development is to integrate women into the history of race and slavery. A pioneer effort was Deborah Gray Whites 'are'n't I a Woman? Female Slaves in the Plantation South, which helped to open up analysis of race, slavery, abolitionism and feminism, as well as resistance, power, and activism, and themes of violence, sexualities, and the body. A major trend in recent years has been to emphasize a global perspective. Women in the U.S. have made big advances in every field. However, discrimination still exists. How far have women really come? Doing "A Man's Job" As women have gradually become leaders in the professions in medicine, law, and business, for example they also have taken jobs once regarded as too physically strenuous. Women have become sanitation workers, police officers, fire fighters, and can fight in wars. Some examples of concepts or...

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