Does College Shape Your Future?

Does College Shape Your Future?

Does College Shape Your Future?
College helps people get to the place where they need to go, the future. The only holdback for low income families is that it is one of the hardest times financially, meaning that the cost of college is still rising and its sometimes more than a parent can make in a year. In some cases, college doesn’t even put a dent in some family’s pockets, but in others it takes a huge toll. College helps you shape your future, get ready for the real world and helps you get a good job. “With sluggish economic conditions threatening job security across the country, parents and prospective students alike are increasingly questioning whether they can afford the high cost of a bachelor's degree -- and if it's worth the expense” (Cooper). So, is college worth the time and money, and is it really needed for your future? The answer, yes. I say yes because it provides the job opportunities that you need to get that degree, but the cost is just too much. Another reason is yes because without a college education people aren’t able to get the jobs they want.
The main focus with college is your future; college will help you get the job that you want and maybe even your dream job. With the way that the country is laid out, a lot of the major jobs require four years of college. Some require two, and some require none at all. But if you want to get that dream job, college is what will help you get there. “A college degree is no longer seen as a luxury reserved mainly for the rich and well-connected. The increasingly tight job market has made higher education a virtual prerequisite for career advancement” (Worsnop). All of the hard work will pay off and you will be able to help finanically that have to do with your family. But with your future your dream job and college, it all comes down to what can you afford.
College is one of the hardest and most fun times of your life. You find out who you really are and what will/won’t help you in the long run....

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