Drastic Changes in the Human Body

Drastic Changes in the Human Body

25 January 2013
MySmartGoal: Drastic Changes in the Human Body
Psychology 150 (4301)

The big question is what will be my smart goal statement? My smart goal consists of something very meaningful to me personally in many ways. Promises and commitments is something that I look forward to everyday. I found a correlation between my goal and my life. My goal for this next semester is to devote my mind, body, and soul into working out. My goal is to prepare myself physically and mentally to play college football. I choose a specific strategy to achieve my goal, for my first baby steps into my goal I will watch my diet and nutrition to maximize my full body potential. To measure my goal with specific variables I came across two methods to help push my goal to the next level. They are physical activity, and full understanding of the body with diet and nutrition. I strongly agree that these methods will contribute to my understanding of the measurements that I have laid out before me. The steps that I will take to achieve this goal will be working out twice a day, and feeding my body with the right foods and proteins. I will tell myself that failure is not an option to push myself to make my goal more achievable. Why is this goal important to me? For me, this will be a transition between the beginnings of a childhood to a rebirth of a new man. That’s why this goal is relevant to my life it is to prove that if I can do it why can’t you. I have set a timeline for myself it is exactly four months from now the 25th of January.
The meaning of psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, and those affecting behavior in a given context. My goal is to show that mentally I will not break down and physically I am capable to play college football. I know it will not be easy, but in the long run my smart goal will pay off. Psychology plays a big role in my goal, so I am definitely looking forward on my outcome. Time will soon tell about my...

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