Druga and Sports

Druga and Sports

Justin Wolf
ENG 102

Drugs and Sports

I remember the day I met Kevin Boston for the first time. Kevin is a bodybuilder who attends my local gymnasium. I had seen him at the gym before but never got around to having a conversation with him. I had heard from others around the gym that he was a former professional body builder. When I heard the news, I automatically believed it just from looking at him. He is a very muscular and defined man. The workouts he goes through daily are impressive, the kind of workouts I couldn’t imagine doing. When I found out in class that we had to have an interview for our papers I knew just who to ask. We actually had the interview right there in the gym. The surroundings were loud from all the people working out. In the background you heard sounds of voices and weights crashing against each other. The smell of sweat was in the air. Despite all the commotion, I had one of the best informal interviews I have ever had. He informed me on facts and real life situations I was completely ignorant about. The one sentence that boggled my mind was when he said, “I don’t know of anyone who is competing that isn’t using some type of steroid. You just can’t be competitive without it.” That one sentence encouraged me to conduct more research on drugs and sports. He indicated to me that this is a real problem, and I want to help solve the problem. Who thought I would get anything more out of going to my gym than just a workout? I go to the gym five days a week and I’ve seen Kevin probably around twenty or thirty times and I never knew anything about him besides the fact that the reason he was so muscular was because he was a former bodybuilder. I never would of met him and learned about his experiences with sports unless it was required for a class. It makes me sit back and realize what I could know if I ask. When I started this paper on my topic, I was looking at it as a necessity for a required...

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